Friday 27 August 2010

Susie Bubble hosts a fashionista's dream event

 If you’ve ever dreamt of raiding the wardrobes of some of the most sartorially savvy figures in fashion, last Sunday, in an innocuous concrete car park near Holloway Road, a fantasy event was taking place.

Susie Bubble, queen of bloggers, and an elite crew of blogging luminaries including Save Our Shoes, Style Slicker, Geisha Rock and Frou Frouu were offering a style fix to satisfy the most committed fashion junkies: An open yard sale, in which they were selling a fantastical selection of their unwanted vintage, high street and designer wares.

Although the setting might have been more back alley than backstage, the offerings were fashion-forward enough to make the most seasoned style hunter swoon. Think trestle tables piled high with Jimmy Choo’s, Georgina Goodman’s and other delicious foot candy, plus rifle-ready rails of dresses, shirts and skirts from the likes of Eley Kishimoto and Lanvin. Other uber-cool clobber was also up for grabs, including Miss Bubble’s collection of Japanese comic books, which were being sold at a super-thrifty pound a pop.

The sale opened at 10am, with many devotees already waiting to descend on this pop-up fashion Mecca. Miss Bubble and the rest of the blogger’s stalls were so quickly ransacked that the sale ended up closing a whole two hours before schedule. And it’s not really surprising when you consider the fact that most items were tagged so gloriously cheaply – rare designer dresses and knock-out shoes were being offered for as little as £30 or less (Sigh) although Susie had forgotten to tag her items and so was merrily selling total treasures for as little as a pound.

Yumtastic selections of tasty treats were on offer to keep the bargain hunters energised, including melt in the mouth chicken satay and sausage baps. An awe-inspiringly talented illustrator was also on hand to sketch every fashionista that mulled and mingled on the scene.

And while Miss Bubble and her blogging counterparts might now be more than used to sitting on fashion week front rows and rubbing shoulders with the most influential players on the style circuit, they touted their wares with the boundless enthusiasm of the most cheery market vendors in town.

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